MIUI 13 Privacy White Paper - Xiaomi

7. Conclusion

Xiaomi places a strong emphasis on respecting user privacy and considers it one of our core values. As a key component of our smartphones, MIUI takes seriously its responsibility to establish a foundation of trust with our users. Ensuring the protection of user privacy is a top priority for MIUI, and we have compiled this comprehensive White Paper to detail our privacy features and practices. We hope that this document will provide users with a better understanding of how we approach privacy protection.

As outlined in this White Paper, Xiaomi has embraced the principle of privacy by design in our product development process and continually explores new and innovative technologies and methods to enhance privacy protection. We aim to instil a strong awareness of security and privacy protection throughout all of our business departments, employees, and business partners.

We remain committed to continuously improving our privacy practices by enhancing the security and privacy protection features of our products and services and optimizing our security and privacy management system. We will continue to demonstrate our commitment through various means, such as certifications, white papers, and privacy policies, to build user confidence in Xiaomi's products and services.

In an age defined by big data and artificial intelligence, conflicts between corporate development and user privacy are inevitable. Nevertheless, Xiaomi firmly believes that by upholding the security and privacy of user information, we can establish long-term trust in our products. We prioritize information security and privacy protection above all else and continually invest in these areas. Xiaomi is dedicated to sharing our standardized methods, best practices, and technical capabilities regarding information security and privacy protection with our partners, as we believe that working together is crucial to the growth and protection of user privacy.